

Monday, April 25, 2011

Vàm Sát – a destination of ecotourism

Located in between two rivers Vàm Sát and Lòng Tàu, the Vàm Sát mangrove in 1.800ha large in the world’s biosphere Cần Giờ (3.300ha large) recognized by UNESCO.
A swamp of crocodiles in Vàm Sát
Vàm Sát is rich in bird species: storks, teals and herons…listed in the world’s red-book. There are now thousands of such birds nesting in Vàm Sat, the sanctuary is about 100 ha. Specifically there’s a tower called Tang Bồng (26m high) in Vàm Sat where from, the whole region could be viewed. From the tower Tang Bồng we can see dense forests with varieties of fauna & flora. Cần Giờ mangrove is rich in alluvium provided bay the head-river and river- basin. As statistics by the management board, in Cần Giờ there are about 175 flora species in 76 families and 145 fauna species.
            The best time in Vàm Sat is sunrise or sunset (the time to watch birds flying away or flying back). We can take a boat ride to swampland Dơi, deep in the forest to see thousands of bats hanging themselves on trees or we can relax bay catching crabs for lunch.
Part of Vàm Sát ecotourism
To meet the visitors’ demand Phú Thọ tourist company has invested to built a lake of crocodiles, a bird sanctuary of an Island of monkeys…
Fishing crocodile is very interesting for tourists. In the tourism centre, there’s a small lake modelling “dead sea”, the water in the lake is ten times saltier than seawater. So even for you can not swim, you will not sink in the lake. There’s also a pond of 40 crocodiles where we can see how they live and how they hunt for food. The bird sanctuary has 26 species (11 of water birds) and mainly is storks and herons.
            Established in year 2000 Vàm Sat eco-tourism is a good environment and in 2002, world tourism ogranization (WTO) recognized Vàm Sat to be one of two sustainable ecotourism development areas in victuamVietnam in total 65 Ecotourism areas in 47 countries.

                                                                    THU PHƯƠNG

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